The Acton Academy mission is to inspire each child who enters our doors to
find a calling that will change the world.

Acton Academy at Serenbe (originally named The Children’s House at Serenbe) was founded as a one-room Montessori school in the fall of 2010. During the next several years, the school grew from one room to three rooms and in early 2016 the executive board recognized a need to expand beyond the curriculum we were offering for ages eleven and up. The Montessori model possesses a learner driven environment and mentor based mixed aged classrooms which we believe is unmatched for early childhood development.  

After extensive research around a variety of education models, our team discovered a network of schools modeled after the flagship Acton Academy in Austin, Texas founded by Jeff and Laura Sandifer.  The Acton model incorporates the basic philosophies of Montessori education and then utilizes the depth of learning avenues available via digital learning platforms. It is a learner drive model which flips the focus of the traditional school.  Students “learn how to learn” and Guides teach through the Socratic method of redirection.

In January of 2018, we were one of 65 schools out of thousands of applicants to be awarded an Acton charter. Our small board and staff quickly began planning the transition for our elementary aged students and in the Fall of 2018, we re-opened our doors as Acton Academy at Serenbe. Our primary studio remained Montessori based and the elementary studio fully adopted the Acton curriculum. The initial elementary class began with 13 students and slowly grew to 20 by the Spring of 2020. The enthusiasm and enrollment demands allowed us to add a middle school class in Fall 2020 and expand to high school in 2021 with over 150 students. 

Acton at Serenbe is a learner-driven community comprising a series of micro-school “studios” that serve children ages 6 weeks-18 years. Our school model engages students in real-world projects, educational quests, and Socratic discussions in multi-age classrooms. It focuses on the “Hero’s Journey” of each student – helping students develop their academic skills while seeking their calling in life.

The Nest Studio is for children 6 weeks- 18 months. The Toddler Studio is for children ages 18 months-3 years, the Primary Studio is for children ages 3-6, the Elementary Studio for children 6-11, the Middle School Studio for children 11-14, and the Launchpad Studio for children ages 14-18 years.

Acton at Serenbe is accredited with quality for Pre-K and Kindergarten through 12th grade by the Georgia Accrediting Commission.