We believe Education Begins at Birth

Acton at Serenbe has an environment designed to provide a nurturing safe space to grow uninhibited. Using calm stimulation throughout the prepared environment, the infant will observe and explore their ability to create cause and effect experiences for themselves. This experience is catered to each child to meet their developmental needs. As the infant begins crawling and walking, their opportunities increase. Acton’s core values of “Learn to Learn, Learn to do, and Learn to be,” are evident. Children will be supported by Guides and a thoughtfully prepared environment where every aspect and detail has been cultivated to support their cognitive, emotional and physical growth. 

Follow the child

The Nest studio serves ages six weeks to eighteen months. In certain instances, Learners may extend to twenty-three months. Transitioning to the Toddler Community includes several developmental milestones that are considered on an individual basis following the Montessori pedagogy. As we “follow the child” we carefully observe signs that indicate a readiness for increased stimulation, more complex processes and additional opportunities for socialization.